Home > African Market > Kenya
Aug 9, 2016
The urban pharmaceutical sector benefits from a wide variety of suppliers and distributors in its close proximity, whereas rural areas are having more difficulties accessing quality drugs and often procure what is available. This leaves room for the introduction of both legal and illegal parallel imports entering the Kenyan market.
Aug 9, 2016
MRP is the concept where manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors together decide on a maximum retail price for their product, taking into consideration all costs with the addition of a mark-up such that no individual in the supply chain suffers a loss and everyone is able to make their profit.
Factors influencing pricing and distribution
Aug 9, 2016
There are many factors that contribute to the pricing of pharmaceuticals and related commodities in Kenya. Examples are: The cost of importation, electricity costs in local production, transport costs, warehouse costs, administrative costs and competition in the market.
Pricing and Distribution Overview
Aug 9, 2016
Pricing and Distribution comes without barriers in Kenya. Thus, one is able to make as much or as little as one chooses. This allows for competition in the industry. This provides for an open competitive market in terms of pricing.