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Time: Aug 11, 2016

Key Areas of Gaps of Health Commodities

At present, there are quite a number of pharmaceutical products on the market, which are able to meet existing demand. However, there are some gaps in the supply of specialised drugs, for instance, the anaesthetics, cancer and some public health  program  drugs.  There  are  very  few  players  supplying  these  classes  of medicines and it is encouraged that more companies venture into the supply of these specialised drugs. For instance, cancer drugs on the market are expensive and therefore, few patients can afford. There is a need for more quality generic cancer medications to be introduced on the market as this condition is on the rise in the West African sub-region including Ghana.

Other areas that could also be focussed on include the diagnostic products and cardiovascular products. Pharmaceutical companies can invest more in these areas to create a competitive advantage. For instance, with regard to the diagnostic agents, only few pharmaceutical companies import and distribute in the industry. This presents business opportunities for firms to take advantage and compete favourably in the industry.