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Time: Aug 9, 2016
Pharmaceutical Needs in Local Market
It is recognized that there is a gap in Kenya’s pharmaceutical needs and what we can currently produce. MOH is aware that there needs to be a way to bridge this gap. Upon discussion with MOH officials, it became evident that they would indeed welcome investors to join forces and eliminate this gap.
When we refer to gap, we refer to those items that the nation is in need of, but is not currently produced in the country.
If we use the morbidity and mortality data described previously as a guide, we do indeed see that drugs are required to address infection, diarrhoea, cardiovascular diseases, HIV, TB, Meningitis, amongst other diseases.
After a discussion with KEMSA officials, it was brought to light that Programs that provide aid to Kenya, provide drugs mostly for HIV, Family Planning, TB, and Malaria. Other conditions mentioned that require drugs can be procured locally. They suggested there should be more plants that allow for local manufacturing of these program items, like Anti-Retroviral (ARVs), Family Planning options, Tuberculosis drugs, Malaria drugs, in addition to commodities such as condoms. The need outweighs the production currently.